Forthcoming 2024a. Mérat, A., 'South Tomb Cemetery textiles'. In Kemp, B. and A. Stevens (eds), The South Tomb Cemetery at Tell el-Amarna.
Forthcoming 2024b. Mérat, A., 'Textiles attached to animal remains from the Tomb of the Dog in the Gebel Asyut al-Gharbi. Preliminary report Summer 2023 Study Season'. In Kahl, J. and N. Kloth (eds), Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK), Vol. 53.
Forthcoming 2024c. Mérat, A., 'Textiles attached to animal remains and fake mummies from Tomb 3 – Area 2 at el-Sheikh Fadl', Interdisciplinary Egyptology, Vol. 1.
Forthcoming 2024d. Mérat, A., 'Textiles from the fortress of Hisn el-Bab, 6th-9th century AD". In Rose, P. et al., Excavations at Hisn el-Bab by the Austrian Archaeological Institut, Cairo, since 2018 and finds.
2022a. Mérat, A., 'Textiles from the South Tomb and North Cliffs Cemeteries'. In Stevens, A. et al., Tell el-Amarna, Autumn 2020 to Autumn 2021, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA), Vol. 108 (1-2), p. 20. (read the article)
2022b. Austin, A., Louys. M. et Mérat, A., 'Study of the human remains and textiles from TT 298 of Baki', Bulletin Archéologiques des Ecoles françaises à l'Etranger (BAEFE), Cairo, 2022. (read the article)
2022c. Mérat, A., 'Textiles from House 169 from the 13th Dynasty settlement on Elephantine Island'. In Siegl, J. (ed.), Reality of Life Project, Preliminary Report, Austrian Studies in Egyptian Archaeology (ASEA), German Archaeological Institute, Cairo.
2021. Mérat, A., 'The spring 2019 season at Hisn al-Bab: Care, study and general presentation of textiles finds from Area 9 (6th-7th century AD)'. In De Moor, A., C. Fluck and P. Linsheid (eds), Explorers, First Collectors and Traders of Textiles from Egypt of the 1st millennium AD, Tielt, pp. 210-219.
2020a. Mérat, A., 'Late Antique Textiles from the Cemeteries N 2000 et N 2500 at Naga ed-Deir'. In Davies, V. (ed), The Phoebe A. Hearst Expedition to Naga ed-Deir, Cemeteries N2000 and N2500, Contribution series of the University of California, Berkeley’s Archaeological Research Facility, Harvard Egyptological Studies (Vol. 10), Leiden/Boston, 2020, pp. 442-452. (download PDF)
2020b. Mérat, A., 'Textiles from the North Tomb and North Cliff Cemetery'. In Stevens, A. et al., Tell el-Amarna, Autumn 2018 to Autumn 2019, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA), Vol. 56, pp. 11-12. (read the article)
2020c. Mérat, A., 'First millennium AD Textiles said from Akhmîm at the British Museum: introduction to a collection and its ‘benefactors’. In El-Sayed, R. et C. Fluck (eds), The Textile Centre Akhmîm-Panopolis (Egypt) in Late Antiquity. Material Evidence for Continuity and Change in Society, Religion, Industry and Trade, Reichart Verlag Wiesbaden 2020, pp. 201-209. (see table of content)
2019a. Mérat, A., 'Dress like an Egyptian', British Museum Curator’s Corner. August 2019. (watch the video)
2019b. Mérat, A., 'Textiles from the Amarna cemeteries'. In Stevens, A. et al., Tell el-Amarna, autumn 2017 and spring 2018, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA), Vol. 104 (2), 2019, pp. 142-142-21. (read the article)
2019c. Mérat, A. and A. Quertinmont, De Lin et de laine. Textiles égyptiens du 1er millénaire, Musée de Mariemont/Fondation Roi Baudoin, Brussels. (download PDF)
2018a. Mérat, A., 'Textile traditions in Egypt'. In Akbarnia, L. et al., The Islamic World: A history in objects, London, pp. 26-27. 
2018b. Mérat, A., 'Fatimid textiles: tiraz production'. In Akbarnia, L. et al., The Islamic World: A history in objects, London, pp. 110-111.
2018c. Mérat, A., 'Mamluk textiles'. In Akbarnia, L. et al., The Islamic World: A history in objects, London, pp. 132-133.
2018d. Mérat, A., 'Gallery glimpses: Carved ivory fragments', The British Museum Magazine, Autumn 2018Issue 91, p.30.
2018e. Mérat, A., ‘Textiles from the South Tombs Cemetery’. In Kemp, B. at el., Tell el-Amarna, spring 2017’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 104 (1), pp. 13-14. (see abstract)
2017a. Mérat, A., 'New work on an old collection: 1st millennium ad Egyptian textiles in the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, The British Museum'. In De Moor, A., C. Fluck and P. Linsheid (eds), Excavating, analysing, reconstructing textiles of the 1st millennium Ad from Egypt and neighbouring countries, Tielt, pp. 266-283.
2017b. Mérat, A., 'Two embroidered roundel fragments from a child’s hood (KTN 899-02a-b)'. In Fluck, C. and P. Linsheid (eds), Favourite fabrics from the Katoen Natie textile collection, Tielt, pp. 103-107.
2016a. Mérat, A., 'Tell Edfou au Musée du Louvre: Nouvelles recherches menées sur les broderies provenant du cimetière médiéval'. In Buzi, P., A. Camplani and F. Contardi (eds), Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies. Rome 17–22 September 2012, Leuven, pp. 1477-1491. (see table of content)
2016b. Mérat, A., A. Harrison and M. Pullan, 'Study, conservation and display of a rare pair of curtains from Late Antique Egypt', Newsletter Egypt and Sudan, Vol. 3, p. 30. (read the article)
2015a. Mérat, A., 'Clothing and Soft Furnishings'. In Fluck, C., G. Helmecke and E. R. O’Connell (eds), Egypt: faith after the Pharaohs, London, British Museum Press, pp. 214-221. 
2015b. Mérat, A., 'Trois Jardins de Paradis conservés à l'Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale (IFAO)', Annales islamologiques, Vol. 48.2, Cairo, pp. 321–342. (read the article)
2015c. Mérat, A., 'Textiles byzantins'. In Henon, J. and M. Bèche-Wittmann (eds), Les collections égyptiennes du Musée Anne de Beaujeu, Moulins, pp. 84-101.
2015d. Mérat, A., 'Des allégories païennes de la Terre sur les textiles dits ‘coptes’: Nouvelle proposition d’identification d’une série de pièces d’époque byzantine'. In Boud'hors, A. and C. Louis (eds), Études coptes XIII. Quinzième journée d'études. Louvain-la-Neuve, 12-14 mai 2011, Vol. 20, Paris, pp. 53–66. (download PDF)
2015e. Mérat, A. and E. Taylor, 'A new look at Late Antique and Medieval Egyptian textiles', British Museum blog online.
2015f. Mérat, A. and E. Taylor, 'First millennium AD textiles: conservation, storage and treatment', Newsletter Egypt and Sudan, Vol. 2, pp. 24-25. (read the article)
2015g. Mérat, A., 'Kleidung und Wohntextilien'. In Fluck, C., G. Helmecke and E. R. O’Connell (eds), Ein Gott: Abrahams Erben am Nil. Juden, Christen and Muslim in Ägypten von der Antike bis zum Mittelalter, Berlin-London, pp. 216–223.
2014. Mérat, A., 'New research on Medieval embroideries from Tell Edfu at the Louvre Museum', British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan, Vol. 21, pp. 63–79. (read the article)
2013a. Mérat, A., 'Entre témoignages archéologiques, déductions et hypothèses: La délicate question de la sociologie de la broderie dans l’Égypte antique'. In Véron-Denise, V. and F. Cousin (eds), Les acteurs de la broderie. Qui brode quoi et pour qui, Paris, pp. 129–137.
2013b. Mérat, A., 'Étude technique et iconographique d’un ensemble de broderies égyptiennes antiques conservées au musée du Louvre'. In De Moor, A., C. Fluck and P. Linsheid (eds), Drawing the threads together. Textiles and footwear of the 1st millennium AD from Egypt, Tielt, pp. 126–139.
2013c. Mérat, A., 'Des allégories des Saisons sur les tissus coptes', Cahiers de l’École du Louvre: Recherches en histoire de l’art, histoire des civilisations, archéologie, anthropologie et muséologie,  Vol. 2. (read the article
2011. Mérat, A., 'Notices'. In Cavalier, O., J.-C. Goyon and L. Postel (eds), Fastueuse Égypte, Paris, p. 78 no. 24, and pp. 112–123 nos 53–69.  

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